>>20900340I literally don't give a fuck. I don't care if the glowies see this.
I've always wanted to murder people. Lots of them. People in everyday life walking around? Prolly. If I got to know them.
But Ecelebs definitely have targets on their backs from people like me.
I want to smash this white skinned soi cuck nigger sucking faggot's head in between his toilet and its solid gold seat. I don't even care if his skull needs some sledgehammer pregaming to be soft and smushable enough, I'll just do both then. And I'll film it as the "Survive 100 hours of TORTURE (?!??!?) in Beast Mansion, win ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING!!!!! ft. 4chan??!?!?!??"
Don't know what's my problem. Grossed out by gore. But seeing these people and watching similar kinds of people/characters in R-rated movies get what they deserve riles me up. The idea of listening to someone's screams and begs for mercy and not stopping from hurting them and see their true character gets various reactions from me: anger that they've been lying but also laughing because of it.
It's enough that I've said this. It postpones anything from actually being realized and let's me get it off my chest or something idrk.