Studies of physical attractiveness have demonstrated that Asian women are ranked as the most physically attractive women in Western countries,[11] and they are the most desired women in online dating.[12][13] A study using a sample of 400 Columbia University students noted that 47% of all hookups were White male-Asian female pairings.[24] In the United States, several studies have found that East Asian women are the most desired group of women.[31][32][33] According to research published by the University of South Carolina in 2020, male and female participants rated Asian women as more attractive than White women.[30] This experiment replicated prior studies which found that Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine than White women's.[31]
According to a 2014 study of Swedish women in East Asia, White women are not fetishized in East Asia, but placed beneath Asian women in the beauty hierarchy. European racial characteristics desexualized Swedish women in Asia, and made them feel less feminine. The study suggested White women are even considered to have "masculine" qualities.[68] Furthermore, their Swedish husbands found local Asian women highly attractive, contributing to the low self esteem of the Swedish women.[69]
In conclusion: White women are OUT of style, OUT of shape, OUT of eggs and OUT of time. It is the HAPA WMAF century.