>>20922901>be anon>save cute anime boys and furries>be me>be from Cali>see picrel’s “cute anime boy” has v taper body that is lean not overly muscular – typical of fags>read moar>”laying down under a glass table while an obese fraulein shits on it”Why does this board have to tolerate every fatass gun toting, votes for Drumpf, too weak for /pol/, projecting and flaming homosexual this website has?
Like, it’s /bant/, yeah. But as it is, Normieman has left the chat out of fucking shame.
I’m going to call my shot: I’m gonna make a comeback that anon will have a shitty response to which could be but not exclusive to: coping, seethe and dilate, no u, meds, you’re a schizo
>btw you want to talk cunt stereotypes>be anon>be fat autistic and have lots of gunsDon’t you have a paralyzed fat blob mother in a dingy country hospice room whose care you STILL can’t pay for who you need to shoot up out of pure Oedipus complex frustration? Or despite having enough bullets to take the next gun toting hill Billy backwater town on a shooting spree, I’m assuming in Amerifat Burger land that’s only enough to cause some bleeding and is nothing fatal.
>not good comebackBetter comeback than your cholesterol plaque clotted meatloaf fatass could think of.