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Is this (You)?

No.20940285 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>First born son.
>Birth complications.
>Early speech therapy.
>Not born on estimated due-date.
>High IQ, or abnormally high intuition.
>An intense, unshakable feeling of otherness*
>Heavy drug experimentation I'm teens/20s.
>A near-death experience, particularly drowning.
>Exremely lucky brushes with law enforcement.
>Interest in paranormal phenomena, seeks to understand it.
>Interest in seeing life, society and its processes on a macro-scale*
>prophetic dreams, Meme magic, synchronicites.
>Tendency to be followed.
>Isreali Art Student GF.

>Occipital Bun.
>Forehead scars.
>Blue / Hazel eyes.
>Double hair crown*
>Too many wisdom teeth*
>Taller than those around you*
>Some androgynous features*
>Skintags, especially around the eyes*
>Triangle freckles on inner/outer elbow.

*Contested or unconfirmed similarities