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ID:tVld8thC No.20950304 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Involved in expensive military conflicts
>Deracinated populace thanks to bolshevik influence
>Heroin/opiate epidemic
>economically destitute
>Despotic leadership and broken electoral system
>Oligarchic ruling class
>Lived under decades of mental torture by bolshevik cultural influence
>Land plagued by alcoholism and apathy
>astronomical debt
>overcrowded prisons
>still believing theyre the best country in the world

>Involved in expensive military conflicts (in the middle east mostly)
>Deracinated populace thanks to bolshevik influence
>Heroin/opiate epidemic
>economically destitute
>Despotic leadership and broken electoral system
>Oligarchic ruling class
>Lived under decades of mental torture by bolshevik cultural influence
>Land plagued by alcoholism and apathy
>astronomical debt
>overcrowded prisons
>still believing theyre the best country in the world