>>20965850>>20965853I read a woeful post a while back about how furries keep the internet alive single-handedly with the reasoning that the internet relies on a very small number of people for maintenance and the stereotype(?) that furries are all into tech only to see another post later on by a furry who lamented seeing nothing but rightist men in his comp-sci course
I think the same thing happened with FNV, it was originally a cult favourite (at least in my experience) among young hard-right men for being one of the few games that featured a joinable conservative faction and didn't punish you for joining them
Now it's popular among among trans youths because ??? despite the fact that they would politically align more with almost anything other than the milquetoast left-of-centre options in FNV (which has no reference to anything even trans-related) than any other work of media for no other reason than a severe case of unironic cultural appropriation