>>20977509>shilling thermos cooking It's part of the "Great Reset", "Agenda 2030" and the "Net-Zero 2050" long term plan.
Scarcer, more expensive and less efficient "Green Energy" will result in a poorer, simpler and more basic lifestyle.
Shilling stuff about climate change ideology here would obviously get only abuse, so a more subtle method is shilling self-sufficient "based traditional lifestyle hacks" because it can marketed to appeal to right-wingers in favour of traditional living and self-sufficiency and is more subversive this way.
The green agenda was devised in the 1960s to appeal to leftists and divert them from agitating for fair wages into supporting something that benefits globalists.
A lot of the "simple living" threads on /pol/ such as this "thermos cooking" thread have a similar aim which is to inject green ideology into that niche of right-wingers who read things such as "Industrial Society and its Future".