There are large portions of my job where business casual is the norm, but I wear three piece suits like they're my uniform. It has a visible effect on how people perceive me that's so dramatic it's almost disappointing. You'd hope people wouldn't be so vulnerable to something like that, but you put on a vest and a jacket and the whole vibe changes. People will respond to you with immediate respect and seriousness. Even people who know you're nobody special will treat you better than your peers right off the bat because you look the part. If you project seriousness, people will take you seriously. Anyone who denies this is full of shit, making up excuses to stay in the "it's okay I look so underwhelming because I'm not really even trying" zone. It's not going to make up for having an unattractive personality or low confidence, but if you do have those problems it'll only benefit you to dress the best you can.
The catch is that it has to fit you well and you can't just suddenly show up in a suit one day and expect it to work like magic. People want to box you in, reduce you, make you into something predictable they don't have to reconsider or think about too much. When you defy people's expectations, even in a positive way, they'll usually resent you for it and want to shove you back into the box. If you wear video game shirts and cargo shorts every day, the first time you show up in a suit people are going to think you're a tryhard for defying the role they've assigned you, especially if you're fat, ugly, or awkward, which probably applies to a lot of you. If you want to test drive the suit life, try it out next time you change your job or surroundings.
Also, stay away from hats. Makes you look like a LARPing faggot.