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Voluntary exchange, not some statist fairytale "social contract" frees us from the hobbesian war of all-against-all. We autonomously organize into the human superorganism that envelops the globe like a planetary slime mold because voluntary exchange is positive sum.
The invisible hand is an entropic process, the infinite march towards "most for the most" is simply the process of arranging Ourself into a more stable energy state, the positive externality of voluntary exchange guarantees the most positive sum arrangement of people will be the most stable, it is entropy, like falling down a hill or gas filling a volume, it is why central planning can't work, and why corruption of money (debasement cycles) cause social strife, we journey into unstable n-dimensional space of possible human arrangements. Money is economic signaling, enabling faster pruning of unproductive hyperspatial volume, corrupted money can only delay the pruning, but it will always happen as it is entropically favored.