>>20995445And I will add to this that the controllers who remained after they ran out all the actually competent and conscientious ones who they are forever jealous and resentful of, the ones who got away with all this are not only reckless, but they are actually incompetent and even malicious as hell
In the Pensacola, Florida, airport they have this cute little hazing tradition where they actually turn off the tracking monitor(s) and force whatever new controller is on duty to try to manage all the airplanes blind, purely via his headphones -- and all the while they lie through their teeth and say "Oh, lookie there, the power went out again". And all just to get their jollies stressing the poor guy out, after which time the power somehow just comes right back on again, magically
In Daytona Beach Airport control tower they've had coverups for decades of near-misses and guys getting caught with drugs in their lockers, coming to work high as kites. They put the guy on suspension and then he lawyers up and threatens to start naming names, and then they end his suspension, bring him back on, and then promote him to supervisor
And the 1978 airline crash in Pensacola Bay? It was ALL the fault of the controller on duty, who turned the plane in at just over HALF the distance that's required for a smooth, low-angle landing. And because the pilot took what he was given and didn't opt to bypass the airport and make a completely new and fresh approach that would add a huge number of miles onto his travel time (and fuel), when he mistook the lights on a barge for runway lights (it was night-time), and he crashed into the bay, they blamed EVERYTHING on him, because the FAA ATC is nothing but a goddamn mafia
So considering all this, how safe do you feel flying now?