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Microsoft creates 2TB partition

No.21003837 View ViewReplyOriginalReport FAT32

Microsoft has removed an

>arbitrary 32GB size limit

for FAT32 partitions in the latest Windows 11 Canary build, now allowing for a maximum size of 2TB.

The change, implemented in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 27686, allows users to create larger FAT32 partitions using the command-line format tool.

Previously, Windows systems were limited to 32GB FAT32.

128GB USB flash stick when it arrives from a factory, has FAT32 exFAT which is not actually identical to original FAT32. They were created with Linux.

>Windows users often reformat USB flash sticks larger than 32GB into NTFS, which is fine altough NTFS works slower in flash than FAT32. Indeed FAT32 remains fastest way to use USB flash stick (but not an SSD).