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No.21008429 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m reading the Old Testament again, and it’s dawned on me that the rules and morality of it don’t differ that much from the Talmud. I was under the belief that the Talmud was wildly different and the OT was more in line with the New Testament. But stuff like the book of Esther makes me think “yea, those are Jews alright, still the same as today”. Even the silly rules and laws meant to trick God are there too. The Hebrews were instructed to build arches under the bridge leading to where the red hiefer would be sacrificed because there could be a dead person buried underneath it, and if the high priest were to dirty himself by walking over a dead body the ritual would be ruined. So the arches act as pockets of air that the high priest walks on, rather than a structure connected to the ground which would mean he was walking over a dead body. Ha, tricked you God! Then there are all of the commands directly from God telling the Hebrews to exterminate all the gentiles in the promised land. Wouldn’t it follow that this same genodicial tribe would also write up Talmudian rules like “it’s okay to steal from and trick goyim”. That’s literally what the entire book of Esther is about, by the way, a cunning Jewess tricking a goy king for the benefit of her tribe.

I honestly don’t know what to believe right now. I still like Christianity by the way, although I’m agnostic. But is Christianity good because it was Europeanized or because it’s fundamentally true? Honestly I would like to believe in God but I have doubts.