>>21009908All is mind, the universe is mental.
There exists an exact correspondence between physiological and mental states.
You live in a dichotomy, a mind-body separation, instead of seeing the body for what it is; an expression/manifestation of the spirit, a coagulation of thought-substance in a mental universe.
I have a wide variety of siddhis / psychic abilities and many of them are so developed now I can meet you here in Ontario and demonstrate them on demand any day any time.
All the nootropics I take and the meditation and energy work I do allow me to understand body language, see the aura, pick up people's thoughts and memories, get flashes of the important moments in their life appearing in my mind, mirror them, do telepathy, etc. it's very cool.
Hatha yoga is one of the big branches of yoga and you need to practice all of it.
Hatha yoga: mastery of the body. (Athlete)
Raja yoga: mastery of the mind. (Mentalist)
Gnani yoga: mastery of truth. (Philosopher)
Bhakti yoga: mastery of love. (Benevolence)
Karma yoga: mastery of action. (Working without attachment to ourtome or straining, wu wei, effortless action)
You need to master meditation, breath, asanas, etc. everything corresponds to everything else. How you breath is directly corresponding with how you feel. Control the breath, control the emotions. Control the emotions, control the breath.
Do you see?