They actually did it. They actually fucking made a meme about Reddit. No dog whistles, no allusions, just pure straight Reddit pleb shit. Every fucking meme is a meme. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There isn't one joke or quote on this meme that wouldn't get you at least 50 upvotes. If you plan on voting for Bernie Sanders this meme is for you. If you own a fedora this meme is for you. If you like taking turns with your girlfriend getting rammed in the ass by imported black cock this meme is for you. If you're a normal fucking person who votes Republican and enjoys memes about ideas, characters, and interesting settings this piece of shit meme is not for you and given the fact that there are no memes like that anymore because children and spergs can't get enough meme cuck shitposting you're better off just finding another hobby or killing yourself.
Fuck Reddit, fuck memes, and fuck whoever likes this piece of shit