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/bifag/ Bible is False General

No.21021329 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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>Be God, the omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent creator of reality

>Require slaughtering innocent life to make you happy so you forgive humans for sinning

>"You do bad things, so you better kill the highest quality innocent living things you can get or else I'll hate you."

>For some reason, mutilating little boys penises is absolutely necessary. In fact, mutilate every male's penis for him, but especially 8-day old boys, that's what God, who created an entire universe, wants the most.

>"If you kill the absolute best quality, best bred, most lovely innocent life you have for me, I'll make sure you can genocide enemy tribes to the last man, woman, child, and animal with ease..,

>"...except the Scythians, cause they have steel chariots and you obviously didn't believe in me enough."

>"Ok look, even though I'm the creator of the universe and can do anything, literally anything, because I'm God, what I'll do for you is kill myself by getting you to kill me so that I can forgive you for the things I hate you for, that way you don't have to keep killing animals. All you have to do is believe that me, God, being the most innocent perfect human to ever live, killed himself by having you kill me so your sins are washed away, thanks to me being murdered....for you."

This is what Abrahamic retards actually believe. They are such fucking braindead retarded idiots, that their false god, a supposed creator of reality, is so impotent and petty that two of the most important things in all of reality for "him" is slaughtering the highest quality animals and slicing up baby dicks. Because obviously, when you're omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent, those are just the priorities you've got, don't think about it too much you pathetic sinner. Just believe that the most perfect man to ever live, who happened to be God, had to be slaughtered so God wouldn't want to kill you anymore, because you murdered him like he wanted you to.