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!GzTNQPcpf6 ID:ttO6RQZ8 No.21030606 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Money changes people. It corrupts you once you have more than enough to live on. Your morals and values change because you actually have a dog in the fight. It can make a good man do bad things and a righteous man question what he values most. Very few will make it through the great filter to keep both their money and their values.
Even I'm not safe from the twisting and warping of my values and morals. I no longer believe in universal Healthcare as most people don't deserve to live and be healthy. I no longer feel any sympathy for the homeless I only a few years ago was sitting with. I no longer respect anyone working in the service industries as they're doing something any retard can do. I've recently found myself casually browsing high priced whores something perfectly in line with a scummy corporate rat.
Acknowledgment of the corruption of the soul is not enough. Like any terminal disease it progresses with each day. It starts with mistreating an Uber driver calling him boy and the next thing you know you're doing coke off a $1000/hr. whores ass with all your rich friends.
Heed my warning, money is not the root of all evil but the darkness pulled out of you by money is.