>>21047683Well when it starts all electronics will be useless.
We know from the Carrington event that all copper wiring will need replacing so if you are on the wrong side of the planet you would need access to a very deep bunker. Your car probably wont start or to be precise your electric car will go up in flames.
The spark plugs in your motor will fire uncontrollably so you better be able to reach wherever you want to go by bicycle.
Its going to rain like crazy for a very long time so many places will flood. How much depends on the topography of where you are.
That black mat will probably take a while to settle down to earth so there probably wont be a lot of sunlight for a long time and you probably dont want to have that particulate in your lungs but rain will make that less of an issue.
If you are in a glacier zone you will probably be buried by one so you might want to check if there used to be one in your region.
NY region was famously buried by a huge one.
There will probably be knock on effects of all these things combined.
We know that the woolly mammoths in northern Canada were found flash frozen in solid ice chewing grass so certain distances from the equator may be simply unsurviveable.
Antarctica shows frozen waves like pic related.
Not a lot of expeditions are allowed there and not a single one without pentagon approval so simply getting on a boat when it starts raining may take you to some pretty nasty places.
There obviously wont be any gps navigation to help you at that point and your magnetic compass may no longer point north but it may be many peoples best bet but it will be rough.
>>21047689If you are jabbed and have a batch with nano carbon like some claim then you are 100% going to die because that stuff will conduct and you will be tazed to death no matter what other contingencies you take against anything else.
Likewise neuralink and any electronic implants for that matter are going to induct for hours and melt under your skin.