It's better to opt for a low time investment first date, one where she feels like she has an easy out. This will help to put her at ease, because there is no pressure or commitment; you're just meeting up in a different setting and seeing if you are actually compatible. I personally prefer to ask them out for lunch or a low-pressure daytime activity; many women have told me that they appreciated this, that it was their preference anyway, and helped them to feel at ease.
Now, just don't sperg out. Put yourself at ease, put her at ease, and share a nice time. The less specific your expectations are about outcome, the better a time both of you will have. Mercury grasp &c.
Ask her questions about her life and try to talk about her interests. Ask follow-ups. Talk about yourself, but it's more important to demonstrate that you are a good and receptive listener rather than somehow prove that you are a great person.
Match her level of enthusiasm, particularly with matters of physical intimacy and sex. You don't want to look desperate and overeager, but you also don't want to look TOO MUCH like a tortured romantic hero either. She wants to feel like you're into her, just not that you're into her only because you're desperate and gross.
Conduct yourself in the following manner: cool, carefree, collected, open, receptive, honest, direct, independent, vivacious
Do not be too: morbid, negative, desperate, thirsty, over-invested, over-intellectual (it's good to be smart though, just never use it as a crutch).
Act like you've been there before. Lead, have ideas, BE THE MAN WITH A PLAN. BUT: use her cues and interests to determine what the plan is. Don't be controlling or domineering, but DO try to give her the time she wants to have, without her having to ask you for it. Complex? Yes, but that's women. Don't shoot the messenger.