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!xi8/JKFwzo ID:VAUHbqEz No.21094256 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hope you fucking die Nick I pray to God he slaughters you. I want your chickens to eat your corpse and your mother to find you rotting in your shitty little room dead. I want her to find your sex toys and computer logs and realize you were a gay sex predator and more trash than she had already imagined. I hope she cremates you and your ashes get thrown in a Wendy's dumpster, where some big booty ebony bbw named Shaquina will take out the trash where it will then promptly be carried off to a landfill, where your ashes will piled on top of by trash before they disperse into the soil of the wretched place. And I hope to God after civilization has destroyed itself again the foul looking wormy tree that grows on the place of your grave, will grow into a tree where savages shall hang men like you to die. And I hope that tree is you and it feels the pain of every damned soul that passes through it's branches on release. I hope you suffer beyond what is possible. I hope you die, I hope you die in every way. I curse you, I damn you, I wish all wretched things upon you and your health, I ask these things in God's blackest and most noble name.