>>21118789>>21118807>>21118805You are not ready for this:
>The Moon is a giant natural Xray Microscope/telescopeSun is illuminator
Earth is both reflector and stage
Atmopsphere is light tube
Thermosphere is xray filter
Moon is eyepiece
>Perpetually projected distanceWe are looking at a reverse zoomed image, as we are on the 'inside' of this natural telescope.
>Lensed objectLook through a pair of binoculars at the mountains. Congratulations, you are seeing a full moon (field of view is a complete circle). Now move your eyes off center a milimeter. The field of view is obfuscated and it looks like one of the moon phases.
You can replicate moon phases more accurately this way than with a ball model.
>Moon is XrayThat's the gray secret. Now, here's where it get's exciting. What does that mean? Well, it means the craters on the moon are actually the holes inside the earth, a functional map to the hollow earth.
Doc Xrays are layered via transparency. You can see multiple depths because each layer is semi-transparent. Well, the moon xray isn't like this. This gives the illusion that multiple depths are the same, and that image is what we see as the moon.