>>21137348>They're all farting and burping and killing unnecessarily so.The big nosed christians dindu nuffins:
TIL that during the 16th Century, the Portuguese sold tens of thousands of Japanese Christians into slavery around the world. This practice would eventually lead to the Portuguese being kicked out of Japan, and Christianity made illegal.
https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/instkn/til_that_during_the_16th_century_the_portuguese/?rdt=34066The rarely, if ever, told story of Japanese sold as slaves by Portuguese traders
https://web.archive.org/web/20130527080335/https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2013/05/26/books/the-rarely-if-ever-told-story-of-japanese-sold-as-slaves-by-portuguese-traders/https://www.jesuits.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Slavery_History_Memory_Reconciliation_Report.pdfThe Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province has committed financial resources and personnel to researching the history of Jesuit slaveholding in what is now the UCS Province. Jesuits have always maintained careful records; we are studying those historical documents now to learn more about the untold stories of the men and women who were enslaved. We are collaborating with institutions in Alabama, Louisiana and Missouri, the states where Jesuits held people in slavery, to learn the full truth of our history related to slavery, with an emphasis on the lives of the enslaved people.