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Triple-A Goons: Eternal Smirk of the Gods

No.21140060 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the political implications of every single founder with the Abrahamic religions being a pedo? And this still being a constant, ongoing, endemic problem? Why are all of our elites Abrahamists and simultaneously child trafficking?

Abraham was a trafficker, Jesus was molesting Mark in the garden of Gethsemane, Mohammed was a kiddie diddler with Aisha. It's endemic. It's almost like you can't have Abrahamism without being degenerate, then constantly pointing the finger at everyone else.

>By posting in this thread, you recognize Israel controls both christianity and islam, and you irrevocably denounce the torah, the tanakh, the talmud, the zohar, the kaballah, judaism, jewry, jewishness, zionism, the zionist state, sabbateanism , frankism, yhwh, satan, azazel, the new testament, the mashiach, paul, peter, the vatican, protestantism, islam, the koran, muhammad, allah and all associated semitic sandnigger cults and deities.