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[24 / 7 / ?]


ID:oG4Z4BSz No.2115349 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The election for your representatives in the /bant/ Government continues until 11pm UK (6pm Eastern) time tonight. Make sure your voice is heard and vote for your chosen party!

The parties standing for election are as follows:
Glorious Revolutionary Bolshevik Party (GRBP) - Communist
Happy Day Remberers (HDR) - Nice guys
Justice & Development Party (JDP) - Centre-left
Manx Anti-Weeb Movement (MAWM) - Manx Nationalist
Republican Party (REP) - Centrist
Shitposter's Liberation Front (SLF) - Anarcho Capitalist
United Monarchist League (UML) - Conservative Monarchist

All 7 party manifestos will be posted very shortly.

Poll: http://kwiksurveys com/p/KDNaQRrn?qid=750772