you can actually take in the idea that japanese house of yamato had (in it's success) pretty devastating influence on japanese thought about metalayers
and so now 90% of japanese games are about "killing god"
because supposedly god given right of a dynasty and the bad stuff happening in the history
who cares anyway
>>21159830right is not about hierarchy
even anarchists have hierarchy when it comes to making a stand
hierarchy is like colours, it will exhibit itself even in the most un-hierarchical structures imaginable
think soviet russia at it's origins
my point about understanding of left/right now and then was about the loosing of what it was that gave us so much civilizational fortune eating through right now
currently, we are a house of rats, feasting on the dead giant's corpse - but it won't last
but I won't talk about specifics... I intend to make them pay for my lateryears
just take in mind that religion is indeed the major player in here, but "making religions" is a fool's folly
neither of us would die for the "socialism"
you might say so, but in reality people simply don't
oh, and about progressiv leftist "living the code"
they don't
my meaning of "living" part here is not just simple adherence to the dominating dogma - everybody does that
you notice it because - everybody does that
they do it because - everybody...
because it is easy and it gives them a place in the structure
easy being the main point
they do feel the lack or religion and find acceptable replacements for it - but just as your idea about "better, manmade religion" - it is shit, and so we dislike them here for their "religious" experience
that should be pretty clear
this is exactly what "all the money" and "all the thinktanks" give you as a "new religion"
a shit
fuck, I spend too much time here