>>21166132I partially resent them because I think they did a poor job of raising me. Sure they were “nice” or whatever but I found I lacked outlaws to clip myself as a child and they failed to teach me the disposing I would need to reach my full potential.
>>21166150I was like this long before I heard of your mediocre /pol/ films and books, I was and will always be a world apart from the traditional user of this garbage website, some idiot who spams generic anime pictures and harps on shit culture and has his mind trapped in a pre-constructed CIA paradigm. Just from your images and syntax I can tell you are among the lowest life forms of this current civilization, worthless than some leftist cuck who takes the knees for niggers, you might know more than them but instead you just get yourself trapped in another psyop and lose any dignity? Any sense of true self. You deserve to be a slave, and you deserve to be killed. The Jews are right to own you and treat you like the rat shit you are. You disgusting rotting abomination of “funny 4chan peps” culture, a disgusting little dweeb who post anime pictures and feels he somehow has some greater intelligence because he’s snarky and a programmer or some pussy bullshit like that. I want to shove a stick with needles all over it down your throat, I want to pull it out in and out and watch your throat bleed as I sodomize it with the road and you die of blood loss, I want to film it and make an example, I hope if you ever have children they are raped before your eyes and you are kept from death but it never comes and I hope you suffer every bit. Nothing but death shall come to you, your luck shall falter to the black side of life and you shall never escape from your despair. The blood of men like you pleases God.