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I want to make Skyrim but with guns.

ID:d4ZFkHNa No.21177020 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So does anyone remember when Far Cry 3 was coming out and some games journalist compared it to Skyrim but with guns and everyone laughed at him ‘cuz he was retarded? Well ever since then I’ve always thought the concept would be really cool, sadly no game has yet to scratch that itch for me.
>inb4 fallout 4
Fallout 4, 76 and Starslop are more borderlands esc ADHD looter-shooters and only in the bare bones kinda way are they even RPGs. They lack the sovl and depth of the older games in the series. For me the ideal game for this feel would look something like
>morrowind mixed with far cry 2.
>skyrim mixed with far cry 3/4.
Or literally just Fallout: New Vegas in a low fantasy setting.