>>21184541you pray in your head and in your heart, the catholic church has made you convinced you need to go to another MAN and call him "father" and confess your sins to him, instead you can pray right now in your head, out loud, whatever
if you have any hatred in your heart for anyone or anything in Gods creation, it severs the connection. sadly, you are supposed to pray for others, to pray for signs you can interpret, or to just tell the creator what you are thankful for
you should first ask yourself if you've been doing right with God, and if you are good with him in your heart. the battles of this world dont matter. the political and cultural battles you are urged to partake in dont matter. there is only the spiritual battle and your connection with the Creator that matters. it's never too late. you dont need to apologize for being human, you dont need to apologize for being misled.
Jesus spoke out against believing in the doctrine of other men. you dont NEED to read the word of god, you dont need to know any special prayers, you dont need to do any fancy rituals, Jesus said all you need is a mind. and eyes to look around. he already died for our sins as well. he came down here with a message to preach the word of God, his only weapons were love and truth, and he asks that we try to be like him. don't get wrapped up in cultural battles. you are not meant to be an instrument for God's wrath. you are asked to be a vessel of His mercy and grace instead.
there is no human that can sing better than sex feels, there is no human that can paint better than your eye can paint. just talk to him in your head or heart like you would a friend. with respect, but friendly and kind. he loves us all, no matter how fucked up the 80 years we have on this planet are shaping up to be. once we are in his kingdom, we'll be glad we got to experience the sorrow and joy and pain and comforts of life