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[34 / 11 / ?]


ID:IE9IdBNL No.2118511 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
FINAL ELECTION THREAD: The polls in the general election for your representatives in the /bant/ Parliament will be closing in just over 4 hours time. Make sure your vote counts!

The parties contesting the election are:
Glorious Revolutionary Bolshevik Party (GRBP) - Communist
Happy Day Remberers (HDR) - Nice guys
Justice & Development Party (JDP) - Centre-left
Manx Anti Weeb Movement (MAWM) - Manx Nationalist
Republican Party (REP) - Centrist
Shitposter's Liberation Front (SLF) - Anarcho Capitalist
United Monarchist League (UML) - Conservative Monarchist

All 7 party manifestos will be posted below this message.

Link to the poll :http://kwiksurveys com/p/KDNaQRrn?qid=750772
Note: Your proxies can be so easily detected, there's no point even trying to rig it.