>>21188945Of course, Scripture warns against using such methods as they will surely lead you onto the path of damnation as the forces you work with have been judged and sentenced by the Most High, with their 'execution' so to speak made for a later date. Therefore, you commune with dead entities filled with death and want nothing but death for you in their heart of hearts.
Why do you think they do these things for you? What do you possibly have to offer them besides your own execution? You are made in the Image of God and yet you enslave yourself to magicks and pimp yourself out spiritually for the same Evil that convinces men to commit egregious sins against Man and God.
“Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.”
What is Hidden Knowledge to the masses is not Hidden from God, He sees how these people goad and use Legominism to mock and ridicule the people, telling them their fate to come in the symbolism of the ages. No man will be able to escape without the Salvation of Jesus Christ, for what purpose for that knowledge do you prosper when your soul is condemned to extinction?
As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” And this she kept doing for many days. Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour.
Which spirit commands you, haughty slave?