First 2hourish nap felt decent. Woke up wanting to puke but feels like I might gotten off better than I thought. I should probably eat something nutritional and really dense like yogurt because my stomach acid also needs to regenerate, and that's done by metabolozing my muscles. A bit of fat on my body would go a long way here
>>21192288Our worth in a capitalist society isn't just about what you produce, but also what you consume
>>21192126/pol/ jannies are all trannies that pretend to be on their period. I literally haven't posted or even visited that board in years bit from the imported threads I can tell it's infested with Indians. It paints a grim picture for the next few years of the internet. It's probably like that everywhere. Ugh I don't even wanna think about it. Imagine that that is the top perceniles too