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[63 / 19 / ?]

1 year NEET streak today, haven't stepped outside once, glowies/jews seething

!tsGpSwX8mo No.21192756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just spent an entire year fused to this couch. And I'm about to do it again. Why the fuck should I EVER slave and pay taxes for free? While owning nothing and being systematically rendered "Economically Unattractive" to all the women being corrupted/subverted?

You think I'm gonna humiliate myself and settle for ugly fat muffin top bitches, niggerish manly women who listen to nigger music, and single roastie moms?
!!!! Fucking KeK!!

There are literally zero incentives for me to participate in this shitciety.
So I'm just gonna sit on my ass and keep playing Deep Rock Galactic and downloading endless millions of AI Generated hentai pics.