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9/11 is a stupid holiday

ID:+RUYqDav No.21202302 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
9/11 memorial services fucking disgust me, the MSM just pushes people to bitch and moan about what happened (which is stupid as mourning can not change anything) and remind them of le evil
cartoon terrorist sandnigger caricature scapegoat Osama when the actual criminals who orchestrated it walk free and in the open. They rather people focus on emotions than genuine contemplation which may lead them to questioning the events of that day. My father saw one of the towers fall and he knows it was a croc of shit. My uncle who was at the ruins the day after the attack and dug stuff from the rumble hated that my dad thinks that, it only because he fought in Iraq and he doesn't want to think the men who were his brothers in arm died in a war that was fueled by a lie. 9/11 spawned the patriot act and the Iraq War to destabilize the Middle East and cause further chaos in the world to bring in the world government, the mastermind behind 9/11 was a literal evil genius. There has yet to be justice for anyone who died that day. As long as George W Bush and other nefarious but known figures and groups (CIA, Mossad, Saudis) are free men there is no justice, only a stupid "memorial" to mock the masses with the pit of death at ground zero. And on a personal level the same cult that orchestrated 9/11 sent the whole world into chaos with COVID, millions more died than 9/11 but not because of the virus but because of the healthcare system not going them medical treatment for other genuine issues because of “muh lockdown” and putting people falsely diagnose on ventilators and eventually rolling out the poisonous vaccine, I have never known so many middle aged people with cancer. And on a personal level ruined mine and countless others youth with the lie of COVID and destroyed countless minds in my generation with various psyops. Fuck your “muh never forget” lets stop fucking remembering things we can’t change and instead bring the criminals who did all this and more to justice.