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Why is life so unfair? I’m working my ass off while women make thousands doing nothing

No.21202924 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just can’t take it anymore. Every day, I wake up, go to my dead-end retail job, work long hours on my feet, deal with entitled customers, and all for what? Minimum wage. I’m barely scraping by. I’m 26, still living with my parents because I can’t even afford to move out. Rent is ridiculous, and no matter how hard I work, I can’t seem to get ahead.

Meanwhile, I see women online making thousands a week just for posting pictures and videos. They don’t have to deal with rude customers, they don’t have to stand for hours, and they sure as hell don’t have to deal with managers breathing down their necks. They live in these fancy apartments, go on vacations, and have boyfriends who probably help out with rent. They have everything, and I have nothing.

It’s not just about the money. It’s the fact that they seem to have everything else, too. They’ve got a partner, someone who supports them. They’ve got stability. And here I am, completely alone. I come home after a long day, and it’s just me. No one to talk to, no one to share anything with. I’m just stuck in this endless cycle of work and loneliness. I can’t even afford to go out and have fun. How am I supposed to meet anyone when I’m trapped in this situation?

People tell me to “just work harder” or “try something new.” I’ve tried. I’ve picked up extra shifts, applied to better jobs, but nothing changes. I’m still stuck in retail, making just enough to cover my bills. Meanwhile, these women are raking in ten grand a week for basically doing nothing. And they have the nerve to say their life is hard? It’s insulting.

I’m tired of feeling like I’m working myself to death just to stay afloat, while others are living the high life with no effort. It’s not fair. Where’s my break? When do I get to live like that?