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Why do Christians not see how insane this sounds?

No.21215112 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Christianity is literally a death cult that’s obsessed with eating a dude’s flesh and drinking his blood. Like, have they really normalized spiritual cannibalism through "symbolism" or is this just straight-up cope? They gather every Sunday, pretend to consume their god’s corpse, and somehow think this is all normal behavior. That’s peak brainrot.

How do you base your entire belief system on the idea of drinking divine blood and eating flesh? And before you come in here with "it’s just symbolic", that doesn’t make it any less weird. You're still participating in the ritual of pretending to be a cannibal. Christians love calling other religions pagan or satanic, but this? This is beyond anything I’ve seen.

Explain to me how this isn’t some glorified, sanctified form of cannibalism.