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Mom's fantasise about Chad son having Sex but disgusted by idea of incel son having Sex

No.21233194 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My brother is a chad and I'm an incel. How this has happened despite us sharing genetics is I'm autistic and he is not.

Growing up my mom always punished me for showing interest in women and encouraged me to not show interest in women.
However to my brother she literally encourages him to fuck women like they are whores and I kid you not literally enjoys talking to my brother about the women he is fucking. She is not going "oh how was your date with Becky" she is literally going "did you fuck becky"and giving encouragement to fuck more girls etc

I actually confronted her on this and she said something like the following.
"Your brother is very attractive so it's good for him to be trying to fuck girls and it makes me feel good as I want grand children etc

Your weird so girls don't like it when you try to date them and I can put myself in their shoes and know your making them feel uncomfortable."

My mom literally gets off on her Chad son funking women because it's good for her bloodline and is disgusted by me trying because it's bad for the human race. Maybe she is imagining being the girl getting fucked by her son.

Is this normal female behaviour and what are the implications?