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ID:jDgBFPIU No.21238104 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Height is the only thing that matters. Nothing else matters
>If you're ugly women will still fuck you if you're tall
>If you're balding women will still fuck you if you're tall
>If you're fat women will still fuck you if you're tall
>If you are tall you can get literally any woman you want with only the barest minimum of effort. You don't even need to do that some of the time
>You can be a rich funny confident 10/10 manlet but any girl you do get will immediately leave you the second she finds a 6'0 guy. Even if she doesn't she will be in permanent despair for as long as the relationship lasts. Even if the relationship ends with your death she will be on a tall guy's cock in a week tops
>The percentage of women who would fuck a short man without desperation or monetary incentive is 0%. There is not a single woman on this planet who would ever have a short man as her first choice, let alone prefer them
>You are doomed to a lonely death if you are below 5'9. Even 5'9-5'11s struggle with getting women more often than not
>The only way out of this is to either kill yourself or take HRT and become a transgirl