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Is the anon still there who made the thread?
Yeah, I was put in special Ed because I had trouble learning in school, it all went away though and I found out there was a good chance I was lifted, I don't know why I did so poorly in school, they thought I had dyslexia and there were all these tests done on me, it made me feel really bad to have all these extensive tests done on you, but I came out without anything wrong with me. I apparently had a "speech impediment" I don't know if that was actually true looking back, but it was really shitty to get taken out of normal class (which is strange now that I think about it)
And make me take a speech class. I hated school so much I fought against going, they even had the principle come to my house and coerce me, grab me and try to talk to me he was like everyone else around me, old fashioned, conservative, stuck in the past hairy and smelly so I had nothing to say to him.
I eventually stopped going to school I grade 6 before the grade was gone