>>21262546>the covid vaccine reducing the risk of covid deathsCovid doesn't exist. People all over earth were scared shitless by the many faces of authority over a pandemic that never existed and in their senseless state of fear were made to take poison.
>government does not want to depopulateGovernments don't want higher populations. They are difficult to control.
>even stalin and mao thought they had some reason orStalin, Mao, Hitler for that matter were all useful retards, puppets that played a role and were made kings of their own respective hills of shit for a decade or two. Notice how they all played the deliverer archetype. How their ideology, religion or system was going to bring the new golden age for all of humanity. Unchecked ambition, destructive, delusional belief.
>the US government doesn't want to kill its own citizens even with a reason.
The government only follows orders, they aren't the ones that hold the wealth and power on earth. Leaders are chosen and brought up in special schools, around handlers and people that train them to play a role. They subscribe to very nasty ideologies. To a government, the people are expendable resources.
So then, what is it they want? They want to merge with artificial intelligence. Use eugenics and genetic engineering to create a division between the upgraded elite humans and the rest, the subhumans. They want to trap whatever is left of the masses in inescapable prisons. Force them to live in hyper-urbanized cities, I don't think I need to explain how that'd look like. Social credit system, Big Brother society. For most, they are fine with it, just look around, how people today walk around aimlessly, uninspired, escaping. Forcing someone to change is largely unsuccessful, but one can master the subtleties of influence to create experiences from which they do learn from and this is what moves the needle, no pun intended given the topic of tonight's discussion.