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The Marian Blasphemy of the Eastern Orthodox Church

No.21263972 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This board is regularly filled with threads by Eastern Orthodox heretics, as well as the Papists, with their perverse Marian dogmas that are blasphemy in the highest, an insult to Mary, and a mockery to Christ our Lord.

Let us focus specifically on the Akathistos hymns (, there are some beautiful parts, but they are blasphemous to the extreme.

The Eastern Orthodox does not cry out to Christ to save them, they cry out to the mother of Christ. They cry out "Most-holy Theotokos, save us.", and they do so TWENTY TIMES in that hymn.

There is also a sadder aspect to their extreme blasphemy, a clear lack of knowledge of our God, and it is actually very upsetting to behold. I notice this too with many Papists. They seem to believe that God, especially the Father yet the Son also, does not desire to save them. We constantly hear refrains like: "O pure one, the Word was inscribed by the Father’s finger. Intercede with him, O Theotokos, to enroll your servants in the book of life."

And worse:
"Rejoice, thou who dost appease thy Son for us!
Rejoice, thou who dost allay the righteous wrath of God!"

First of all, Christ is our intercessor, our intermediary, and the Scriptures are clear He is our ONLY intermediary.
>1 Timothy 2:5: For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus

And secondly, God desires us to be saved. He loves us and wants to save us. It is not by the petition of Mary or the Saints that God saves us; He wanted to save us.

>John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Please brothers seek Christ, He alone is the one who saved us. Do not ascribe to any other the glories and victories that He has attained. To do so is blasphemy.