>>21273268The main body of the O9A as in all the fags you see posing in their siegewave images are feds, and they always have been. The MI5, MI6, FBI, and CIA are the main agencies behind them in particular, but others play smaller roles such as in Germany, Austria, Canada, and Norway. The O9A is one face of a much larger (and international) fed operation to turn impressionable young men into harmless asocials. This has the effect of preventing any real mobilization by getting to the people who are actually willing to take action first and brainwashing them into a self-destructive state. There are only one of two possible outcomes: they grow up and realize how stupid it is, with the added benefit of likely having a distaste for radical ideologies from their horrible experience; or they commit some retarded and pointless crime and get thrown in prison, spiraling them into a financial and social black hole.
If a group can be readily classified as "left-hand path" in general, it's fed orchestrated. If it can be readily classified as satanic, it's fed orchestrated. If it promotes gnosticism, it's fed orchestrated. If it encourages you to throw your life away doing something that will make absolutely no difference, it's fed orchestrated. If it promotes psychotic and asocial behavior over self-improvement, education, and mobilization toward a clear goal, it's fed orchestrated. I know this because in 2018 out of desperation for money I took the worst faustian bargain of my life and worked for several of them in the propaganda department.
The collapse of saturnial judeo-bolshevik civilization into complete demographic entropy is inevitable. You don't need to do anything to accelerate it because it's only going to end one way. You should be getting right with God and preparing to survive it through mobilization and centralization of a mentally stable, educated, and physically fit population. The two are wholly inseparable.