>>21312964>Only treatment for rabbits is rabies vaccine. How can it work if germ theory is fakeI'll admit I don't know the details about that specific aspect, but considering the entire theory of germ is provably wrong, all vaccines are useless poison, all diseases that disappeared did so because of sanitation, viruses are a complete invention (viruses simply being dead cell debris and "germs" being the body's natural janitors), there definitely is some kikery involved with the rabies "vax", especially considering Pasteur was a complete fraud.
I'm not saying the cure for rabies doesn't work, simply that the way it is explained is not at all how it truly works if it does.
>>21312965Correct, and always used with guilt by associations techniques.
>>21312966Literal shill/bot. And the Volkswagen scandal debunks your entire "muh number of people" jewish fallacy.