Quoted By:
>drunk people
Nah fuck up cunt, I'm pissed all the time. It's how I cope with reality. My wife doesn't condone it, so I'm trying to cut back kek
>kids acting all top shit
>people that vote yes on the upcoming vote
>people that vote no on the upcoming vote
>people that don't vote on the upcoming vote
>National Broadband Network
>the australian government for spending $120mill of tax payer didgeridoos for a fucking vote to legalise fags getting married
>the fucking telecommunication industry here for still not having something that beats the NBN
>google for admitting to not coming here because of the NBN
>the government
>those damned sheep fuckers next door (just kidding, you cunts are alright)
>my neighbour for reversing onto my front lawn, knocking my tree over, and being a shit cunt for not offering to fix it
I think I might've forgotten the NBN :^)