>>215450>>215450Aporagender– A gender separate from man/boy, woman/girl, and anything in between while still having a gendered feeling.
Aptugender– A gender which feels fitted and secured.
Aquarigender– A gender which is fluid between infinite feelings. Sometimes, these feelings may be close to an existing term, and sometimes they are indescribable or abstract. Also known as genderflow.
Archaigender– A gender that is ancient/old and big, and can either only be described with those words, or is correlated to them.
Arifluid– See arigender.
Arigender– Switching between nonbinary genders while feeling particularly associated with one feeling. Also known as arifluid.
Arithmagender– A numerical gender. it can range from any number/s, positive, negative, decimals, fractions, etc.
Argogender– A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually, or a gender that is defined by its slowness.
Astergender– A gender that feels bright and celestial.
Astralgender– A gender that feels connected to space.
Atmosgender– Having a gender which is present, but unable to be grasped or firmly defined.
Autigender- A gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic.
Autogender– A gender experience that feels deeply personal to one’s self.
Axigender– When a person experiences two genders that sit on opposite ends of an axis, one being agender and the other being any other gender; these genders are experienced one at a time with no overlapping and with very short transition time.
Batgender– See nocturnalgender.
Bigender– Identifying as two genders; may be static or fluid.
Bigenderfluid– Being bigender, with your gender fluctuating between the two.
Biogender– A gender that is connected to nature in some way.
Blizzgender– A gender that feels cold, snowy, and harsh. When it’s paired to another gender, it’s known as wintegender.