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Should porn images (NOT dumps) be allowed?

ID:Z9SXFu9k No.213837 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you think?

Porn dumps or threads are banned to prevent this to become /b/ 2.0

But how about when using porn or obscenity as reaction images, replies, or if the OP needs an image that features obscenity, etc? Should that be banned as well? Is the line between porn dumping and obscenity too thin to allow it? Dumps could be easily reported. Or not?

Personally I think that any kind of image should be allowed for the sake of "randomness" and potential, BUT I get the risk of this becoming like /b/ or /trash/ without proper guidelines (something I don't want, seeing how good did this board started).

Only opening the debate, not trying to enforce any point of view.

What do you think, /bant/ies?