>>21397570>I just wish we created a religion like that ourselvesWe had Neo-Platonism, we had Hermeticism, we had Orpheus, Bacchus, Apollo, Dionysius, Odin, Thor, Tyr... the list goes on and on.
But it was all systematically suppressed and destroyed by the Church/State tyranny of Rome.
Now, Christianity is culturally irrelevant, a dying religion, much like the traditional religions of old that were denigrated and called "pagan" (which basically means "rural person" or "country bumpkin").
People of today are more drawn to the cultural myths of "Star Wars" and "Lord of the Rings" than the old bronze age jew myths.
They're much more likely to decorate their homes with statues and portraits of Luke Skywalker or Batman, than Jesus or the Virgin Mary.
This is because people actually relate to modern myths--- "use the force, Luke" or "one does not simply walk into Mordor" are much more meaningful metaphors than "the blood of the lamb" or obscure passages about "anointing oils" and animal sacrifices.
And of course, the true religion of the 20'th century is "aliens". People are obsessed with that nonsense and spend an inordinate amount of time thinking and speculating about it. The "priest class" of the new-age religion of aliens are the dishonest/insane ones who claim to be "abductees", or who claim they are in "psychic communication" with space brothers / galactic counsels / arcturians / pleadians / greys / etc. The honest "priest class" are the true believers who claim to be "researchers", as they just collect and transmit the information to others.
If you want to understand how the myriad of bronze age religions mixed together, plagiarized each other, and sprung into creation, just look at the "aliens" phenomena. It's the same thing: charlatans and mentally ill people making up stories, and gullible believers repeating those stories as gospel, and suddenly everybody thinks "aliens" are real.