Also, all these people complaining about liberals, spanish on billboards and shit like fucking 5 year olds. No my 5 year old isnt even that immature to start acting like that.
> liberals usually stay in their stupid cafes and go to san fran, you only make contact with them if you choose to say something stupid in public, act like a massive retard, stop feeding them attention and maybe they'll stfu if you do, it's not that hard.
> Spanish on billboards. Gee i wonder why los angeles an international business hub has signs in spanish, chinese, etc? Gee I wonder if you get angry because you see a fucking Panda express with kung pao chicken stamped on the window. This is why nobody takes the Alt right seriously, cause you're all fucking stupid and complain more than liberals and liberals complain a shitton.
What did we learn today?
>English isnt the only language thats spoken.
> When you conduct business you speak chinese, spanish, italian, farsi, jap, cantonese, african, etc whatever it takes to make money.
> if you cant understand that liberals will stfu once you stop feeding them attention then you're part of the problem.