>>21417774>oh God, lmao. Id never look at hentai of him lol. Frog girl is cute, i like Tobi more thoughHa I get it, I just like short guys sometimes lol. There was this rather short boy I liked when I was in highschool but I never spoke to him, Saw him in the halls sometimes, I think he was scared when I stared into his eyes randomly once, ha remembering his reaction makes me chuckle, I miss those days but they seem so far away now, can't ever go back but perhaps that is what makes it special. Eh Tobi I have yet to meet and he looks too scruffy looking for my taste but it fits your type from what you said. I really want a frog girl figure, the local comic shop has a ton of MHA stuff but no frog girl :(
>thats not me, im the anon that met him irl since we were friends and he was depressedYou knew that freak (apologies if he is your friend, he just skeeves me out) they like to spam? Damn the board lore is deep, perhaps more esoteric than r9k. Why would he post shit like that.