>>21454973There is barely even one thread allowed. And even if there is one thread, it is still flooded with shills all over the place, wellpoisoning any fruitful discussion. Why do you not just go to literally any other thread, there is tons of bullshit in the catalog that will meet your bullshit criteria of "/pol/", yet you come here and try to disturb this one lone thread, because reality is a problem to you. Why? What is it in your head that makes you go berserk against simple innocent physical measurements and logical conclusions from practical physics? You don't get to say what reality is based on your brainwashing and your incompetence to see through the deception. You don't like your global void being filled with something real. That's your problem I'm afraid, no one else's.
Given how HUGE this subject is, our real physical existence and the massive implications of such a gigantic lie, it should have been a general long time ago, but they won't allow it. And you help them, because you love the LIE, and all lies have to be guarded with censorship, banning, and using every logical fallacy in the book. Notice how the globe universe can never make an argument without a logical fallacy. The whole globe universe IS a logical fallacy, an imaginary world.