>>21475577splinter cell irgc deploys a nuclear mine in the red sea and demos a US CSG as retaliation for recent israeli assassinations. this begins WW3 as active warfighting is occurring in multiple regions simultaneously. during the resulting US pivot to regional war in the middle east (destabilizing ukraine), a series of political assassinations in the US dominates the news cycle and the political establishment misses CCP infiltration of taiwanese leadership cadres. during the CCP soft coup, a chinese arms control blockade is used as cover to preempt US response, achieving takeover as a fait accompli. retaliatory sanctions result in separation of the world economy into two disconnected economic spheres (EU/Americas and Afri-Mid-Asia). eventually militarization of space leads to cascading 'accidental' incidents where strategic orbits are destroyed by debris similar to how canadarm got shot, or the shot that damaged the mirror on james webb, or the recent boeing satellite that went pop out of nowhere in geo. without space domain dominance, US surface action groups and air forces are dead meat, and so loss of space dominance will lead to unexpected retaliatory escalations from the West toward the East (since the east does not depend on space dominance, they will miscalculate the strategic threat posed by counter-value attacks in space). At some point nuclear weapon use in air, space, ocean and subsea will become standardized in regional tit-for-tat countervalue strikes and area denial. eventually something a bit too important gets blown up on one side or another and a few too many retaliatory strikes pop off and all navy, air, and space gets destroyed.