>>21476468>empower their dysgenic behavior.Aborting nigger babies is the opposite of dysgenics.
I do agree that aborting a white baby is absolutely repugnant, and they shouldn't be allowed to do so.
But to use it as an argument against abortion as a whole is short-sighted and a sign that you fail to see the bigger picture.
White abortion is a symptom of a bigger problem. You don't solve problems by attacking the symptoms, but by taking down the root cause.
Women are aborting because they have been unjustly empowered with far too much independence, and they don't need men to survive anymore.
There are laws forcing corporations to create millions of fake office jobs for women to cover an arbitrary percentage of women in their workforce.
These same laws also force them to hire them for their real jobs even if they can't perform as well as a man (they rarely do).
There are also laws preventing early marriage of young girls to established men that can make them into mothers and take care of the child.
There's also plenty of propaganda nudging them 24/7 towards going into higher education and becoming a corporate slave.
There's also anti-natalist propaganda in schools ("sex ed") and in movies brainwashing them in that having kids will ruin their lives, is expensive, etc. and making them afraid of it.
If you remove these causes, 99% of white abortions will be prevented, as most women will get pregnant in the context of a marriage with a resourceful man.
Then most abortions will happen only in the cases of rape, or pregnant negresses as it was always meant to.